It's hard to believe a year ago at this time we were pumping water off fairways from all the rain we received and the rough was thick and growing like crazy. What a difference a year makes.
This last winter was very dry and has continued into the spring. We had alot of winter injury from the dry windy conditions and had to reseed many of the fairways. Everything is mostly all filled in now and starting to look good, but boy could we use some rain.
We have been busy working on sprinklers and hand watering dry spots on greens. The reason we hand water is to give the areas that are showing signs of stress enough water to supplement what they are lacking from the sprinklers. Sure we could just turn up the times but then we would be over watering part of the green that is doing fine. Over watering, plus hot and humid conditions can lead to disease. We have also been fixing sprinklers that are either not covering correctly, not turning or not coming on at all. Seems like a never ending job! Until my next post let's all hope for a little rain, without the storms of course.